+593 99 483 2565 / +593 99 946 1448


Mission Teams

Economic Solutions

Amor y Esperanza aims to give the community employment opportunities.

We want to give job opportunities to the parents involved in school.  One of our goals is to create micro businesses, small business in order to hire people from the community, previously trained by us.  We already have a small business called “Negosocial”, which consists in buying fruit and vegetables from the market and then distributing the product to our day cares and school caterings.

One of our projects is to use the school building at afternoons /nights,   to offer college service to parents or people above 18, where they will be able to study short professions.

Education is our strategy to bring people to Christ and to transform lives.

Your comments, questions are very important for us!  Please write below your name and e-mail address and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Fundación Amor y Esperanza

Ciudadela la Quintana, San Miguel de Anagaes N63-13 y Primera

Quito, Ecuador.

Phone: +593 99 483 2565 / +593 99 946 1448

Email: info@amoryesp.org


Susan Justice

7040 Miller St.

Lithia Springs, GA 30122

Phone:  (404) 702-8662

Email: sujusti@yahoo.com

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